Online Forecast Verification Tools

Verification.Tools is a web-based platform developed to facilitate the evaluation of predictive models against observed data. It provides a comprehensive set of metrics suitable for various types of predictions, including dichotomous, multi-category, and continuous data. The platform is designed for ease of use, with each metric accompanied by tooltips that offer context and guidance on interpretation. As predictive analytics continues to evolve, Verification.Tools aims to support researchers and professionals in ensuring the accuracy and reliability of their models.

The tool was developed as part of the Victorian Thunderstorm Asthma Pollen Surveillance program. Originally this tools was developed for the verification of pollen forecasts but is being made publicly available to help researchers in other disciplines validate and verify the predictive ability of their prognostic models.

If you use this site, please cite:
Nattala U, et al. (2023). Verification.Tools: a web tool to evaluate the accuracy of predictions/forecasts. Journal.